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ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator

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How your ASVAB score translates to an IQ score? Our ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator can help you find out. Enter your ASVAB score or IQ into the calculator to find the corresponding value.

ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator

Enter ASVAB Score or IQ to calculate the other value

How to convert ASVAB Score to IQ

What is ASVAB Score to IQ?

ASVAB is short for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery—a U.S. military test to determine qualification for enlistment. IQ measures cognitive abilities related to age. The ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator estimates your IQ based on your ASVAB score using a simple formula.

GT score to IQ calculator

How to Use the Calculator

1. Enter ASVAB Score:

Input your ASVAB score into the “ASVAB Score” field to find your IQ.

2,. Enter IQ:

Input your IQ into the “IQ” field to find your ASVAB score.

3. Click Calculate:

The calculator will show the corresponding value.

4. Example:

  • ASVAB Score: 50
  • IQ: 160

How to Calculate ASVAB Score to IQ

The formula to calculate IQ from ASVAB score is:

IQ=(ASVAB×2)+60\text{IQ} = (\text{ASVAB} \times 2) + 60


Variable Description
IQ Intelligence Quotient
ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery score

Calculation Example

1. Identify ASVAB score:

Let’s say your ASVAB score is 50.

2. Apply the formula:

Multiply ASVAB score by 2:

50×2=10050 \times 2 = 100

3. Add 60 to the result:

100+60=160100 + 60 = 160

4. Result:

Your IQ is 160.

Calculator Input Examples

1. Basic Example:

Input Field Value
ASVAB Score 50
IQ 160

2. Advanced Calculation Example:

Input Field Value
ASVAB Score 55
Difficulty Level Hard
IQ (Adjusted for Difficulty) 175

ASVAB Score To IQ Chart

Here is a table that converts ASVAB scores to their corresponding IQ values based on the formula (IQ = ASVAB * 2 + 60):

1 62
2 64
3 66
4 68
5 70
6 72
7 74
8 76
9 78
10 80
11 82
12 84
13 86
14 88
15 90
16 92
17 94
18 96
19 98
20 100
21 102
22 104
23 106
24 108
25 110
26 112
27 114
28 116
29 118
30 120
31 122
32 124
33 126
34 128
35 130
36 132
37 134
38 136
39 138
40 140
41 142
42 144
43 146
44 148
45 150
46 152
47 154
48 156
49 158
50 160
51 162
52 164
53 166
54 168
55 170
56 172
57 174
58 176
59 178
60 180
61 182
62 184
63 186
64 188
65 190
66 192
67 194
68 196
69 198
70 200
71 202
72 204
73 206
74 208
75 210
76 212
77 214
78 216
79 218
80 220
81 222
82 224
83 226
84 228
85 230
86 232
87 234
88 236
89 238
90 240
91 242
92 244
93 246
94 248
95 250
96 252
97 254
98 256
99 258
100 260


What is ASVAB?

The ASVAB test determines qualification for enlistment in the U.S. armed forces.

What level of accuracy can be maintained while converting ASVAB to IQ?

This conversion is an estimate and not an exact value.

Does this ASVAB calculator apply to all of the scores?

Yes, but remember that it is only an estimate of your IQ and not the actual score.

final Words

Did you like our ASVAB Score to IQ Calculator? I hope you found it useful. Please share your thoughts and feedback with us. Your input helps us improve this tools.

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