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AWG to mm² Calculator

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AWG to mm² Calculator

Enter one value to calculate the required value

The AWG to mm² Calculator determines the cross-sectional area in square millimeters (mm²) from the American Wire Gauge (AWG) value or vice versa.

The AWG to mm² Calculator is a helpful tool for converting wire sizes between the American Wire Gauge system and the metric system. This conversion is crucial for selecting appropriate wire sizes in electrical and engineering projects.

The tool simplifies the calculation, making it easier to determine wire sizes for different systems and ensuring accurate and safe applications.


To Calculate mm² from AWG:

mm²=0.0005067×92(36AWG39)\text{mm²} = 0.0005067 \times 92^{\left(\frac{36 – \text{AWG}}{39}\right)}

To Calculate AWG from mm²:

AWG=36(39×ln(mm²0.0005067)ln(92))\text{AWG} = 36 – \left(\frac{39 \times \ln\left(\frac{\text{mm²}}{0.0005067}\right)}{\ln(92)}\right)
Variable Description
AWG American Wire Gauge value (size of the wire).
mm² Cross-sectional area of the wire in square mm.

Solved Calculations

Example 1:
Convert AWG 10 to mm².

Step Calculation Result
Apply Formula mm²=0.0005067×92361039\text{mm²} = 0.0005067 \times 92^{\frac{36 5.2611 mm²

Example 2:
Convert 10 mm² to AWG.

Step Calculation Result
Apply Formula AWG=3639×ln(100.0005067)ln(92)\text{AWG} = 36 – \frac{39 \times \ln\left(\frac{10}{0.0005067}\right)}{ 8.2473 AWG

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