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Cell Potential Calculator

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The Cell Potential Calculator is designed to assist with determining the electrical potential between cathode and anode pairs in electrochemical cells, whether in single or combined configurations. This calculator offers Basic and Advanced modes, helping users accurately calculate either individual or overall cell potentials.

Cell Potential Calculator

Enter the cathode potential in volts.

Enter the anode potential in volts.

Enter the cell potential in volts, or leave blank to calculate it.

Enter the potential of the first cathode in volts.

Enter the potential of the first anode in volts.

Enter the potential of the second cathode in volts.

Enter the potential of the second anode in volts.

The overall cell potential will be displayed here.

Calculator Modes

  1. Basic Calculator: For calculating the cell potential of a single electrochemical cell using cathode and anode potentials.
  2. Advanced Calculator: For calculating the combined cell potential of two electrochemical cells by summing the potentials of each cell.

User Guide

Basic Calculator

This mode is suitable for calculating the cell potential of a single cell based on the anode and cathode potentials.

Field Description
Cathode Potential (V) Enter the potential in volts for the cathode.
Anode Potential (V) Enter the potential in volts for the anode.
Cell Potential (V) The calculated cell potential will display here.

Advanced Calculator

This mode calculates the overall cell potential for two combined cells, useful for cases where cells are connected in series or parallel.

Field Description
Cathode 1 Potential (V) Enter the potential for the first cathode in volts.
Anode 1 Potential (V) Enter the potential for the first anode in volts.
Cathode 2 Potential (V) Enter the potential for the second cathode in volts.
Anode 2 Potential (V) Enter the potential for the second anode in volts.
Overall Cell Potential (V) Displays the combined potential for both cells in volts.

Example Calculations

Example 1: Basic Calculator

Field Value Calculation Result
Cathode Potential 1.5 V Cell Potential = Cathode – Anode 0.5 V
Anode Potential 1.0 V    

Example 2: Advanced Calculator

Field Value Calculation Result
Cathode 1 Potential 1.5 V Overall Potential = (Cathode1 – Anode1) + (Cathode2 – Anode2) 1.0 V
Anode 1 Potential 1.0 V    
Cathode 2 Potential 1.8 V    
Anode 2 Potential 1.3 V    

To use the calculator, choose the mode, fill in the known fields, and leave the desired field blank for calculation. Click Calculate to view the result or Reset to clear all inputs and start fresh. This calculator simplifies the process of evaluating cell potentials in electrochemical applications.


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