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CFM to FPS Calculator

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How do you convert Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM) to Feet per Second (FPS)? The CFM to FPS Calculator is a tool designed to make this conversion easy. Enter the Total Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) and the Cross-Sectional Area (ft²) into the calculator to find the FPS (ft/s).

CFM to FPS Calculator

Enter any 2 values to calculate the missing variable:

The CFM to FPS Calculator helps you determine the velocity of air in a duct or pipe. By knowing the volume of air (in CFM) and the cross-sectional area of the duct, you can calculate the airspeed in feet per second (FPS).

How to Use ?

To use the CFM to FPS Calculator is straightforward. Follow these steps:

  1. Total Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM): Enter the CFM value. For example, 500 CFM.
  2. Cross-Sectional Area (ft²): Enter the area in square feet. For example, 2 ft².
  3. FPS from CFM (ft/s): The calculator will compute the FPS value based on the inputs.


To convert CFM to FPS, use the following formula:

FPS=CFMCross-Sectional Area (ft²)×60
Variable Description
CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
Cross-Sectional Area Area in square feet
FPS Feet per Second
Air Density (lb/ft³) Density of the air
Mass Flow Rate (lb/min) Mass flow rate of the air
Height Total height in inches
Velocity (ft/s) Calculated air velocity

Calculation Examples

Example 1

  • Total Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM): 300 CFM
  • Cross-Sectional Area (ft²): 1.5 ft²

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Apply the Formula:



2. Calculate the Denominator:



3. Divide:

30090=3.33 FPS


4. Result:

FPS=3.33 ft/s


Example 2

  • Total Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM): 450 CFM
  • Cross-Sectional Area (ft²): 2 ft²

Step-by-Step Calculation:

1. Apply the Formula:



2. Calculate the Denominator:



3. Divide:

450120=3.75 FPS


4. Result:

FPS=3.75 ft/s


Final words

The CFM to FPS Calc is a help tool for changing air flow volume to its speed. Put in CFM and cross-cut area, it fast finds the air pace in feet per sec. Use the samples to lead you in the calc steps. This helps you simply get air flow push and point.

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