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Cm Per 360 Calculator

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Cm Per 360 Calculator

Enter any 2 values to calculate the required value

Calculate DPI, in-game sensitivity, or cm per 360-degree turn with the Cm Per 360 Calculator. Optimize gaming precision and efficiency by finding the perfect settings for your mouse and game setup.

The Cm Per 360 Calculator computes your in-game mouse sensitivity, DPI (dots per inch), or the cm required for a full 360-degree turn. Enter any two values to find the missing one.

This calculator is designed for gamers and professionals who use DPI and sensitivity settings to optimize mouse movements.

It calculates the relationship between your mouse DPI, in-game sensitivity, and the distance needed to perform a 360-degree turn in centimeters.

This is vital for improving precision in gaming or professional applications like design.


  1. DPI:

    DPI=2.54×360Sensitivity×Cm Per 360DPI = \frac{2.54 \times 360}{\text{Sensitivity} \times \text{Cm Per 360}}
  2. Sensitivity:

    Sensitivity=2.54×360DPI×Cm Per 360\text{Sensitivity} = \frac{2.54 \times 360}{DPI \times \text{Cm Per 360}}
  3. Cm Per 360:

    Cm Per 360=2.54×360DPI×Sensitivity\text{Cm Per 360} = \frac{2.54 \times 360}{DPI \times \text{Sensitivity}}
Variable Description Units
DPI Dots Per Inch (Mouse Setting) DPI
Sensitivity In-game Sensitivity No Unit
Cm Per 360 Distance for a 360-degree Turn Centimeters (cm)

Solved Calculations

Example 1: Calculate Cm Per 360
A mouse with 800 DPI and a sensitivity of 2.5. Find the distance for a 360-degree turn.

Step Value Explanation
DPI 800 Input value for mouse DPI.
Sensitivity 2.5 Input value for in-game sensitivity.
Formula Cm Per 360 = (2.54 × 360) ÷ (DPI × Sensitivity) Apply the formula.
Calculation (2.54×360)÷(800×2.5)=45.72cm(2.54 \times 360) ÷ (800 \times 2.5) = 45.72  Compute result.
Result 45.72 cm Distance for a full turn.

Example 2: Calculate Sensitivity
A mouse with 1000 DPI and a distance of 40 cm for a 360-degree turn. Find the sensitivity.

Step Value Explanation
DPI 1000 Input value for mouse DPI.
Cm Per 360 40 Input distance for a 360-degree turn.
Formula Sensitivity = (2.54 × 360) ÷ (DPI × Cm Per 360) Apply the formula.
Calculation (2.54×360)÷(1000×40)=2.29Sensitivity(2.54 \times 360) ÷ (1000 \times 4 Compute result.
Result 2.29 In-game sensitivity.



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