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Cost Per CFM Calculator

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How do you determine the cost efficiency of an air handling system? Look no further, use our Cost Per CFM Calculator that will helps you find the cost per cubic feet per minute (CFM) of airflow. Enter values such as Total Cost and Total CFM into the calculator to find the Cost Per CFM.

Cost Per CFM Calculator

Please enter the following values:

Total cost ($): The total cost in dollars that you want to calculate for CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute).

Total Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM): Enter the total CFM for which you want to calculate the cost per CFM.

Cost per CFM ($/CFM): Enter the cost per CFM to calculate the total cost or CFM if other variables are given.

What is Cost Per CFM?

The cost per CFM tells you how much it costs to make one cubic foot of airflow in a minute. It’s an important number for seeing how cost-smart air systems are for heating and cooling buildings.

User Guide

Using the calculator is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide with example values:

  1. Total Cost ($): Enter the total cost. For example, 5000.
  2. Total Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM): Enter the total CFM. For example, 1000.
  3. Cost Per CFM ($/CFM): The calculator will compute this value.


To calculate the Cost Per CFM, use this formula:

Cost Per CFM=Total CostTotal CFM
Variable Description
Total Cost Total cost in dollars ($)
Total CFM Total cubic feet per minute (CFM)
Cost Per CFM Cost per cubic feet per minute ($/CFM)

How To Calculate Cost Per CFM

Example 1

For example your input is:

  • Total Cost ($): 8000
  • Total CFM: 2000

Calculation Steps:

1. Apply the Formula:

Cost Per CFM=80002000

2. Divide:

Cost Per CFM=4


3. Result:

Cost Per CFM=$4.00/CFM


Example 2

For example your input is:

  • Total Cost ($): 15000
  • Total CFM: 3000

Calculation Steps:

1. Apply the Formula:

Cost Per CFM=150003000

2. Divide:

Cost Per CFM=5

3. Result:

Cost Per CFM=$5.00/CFM


Final words

The Cost Per CFM Calc is a useful tool for checking how well your air system works. By entering the total cost and total airflow, you can find the cost per CFM quickly. This number helps you make smart choices about how well your system runs and its costs. Use the examples to help you do the math right. Please lets know if you are facing any error while calculation.

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