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DRT (Distance, Rate, Time) Calculator

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The DRT Calculator helps you calculate distance, rate, and time using either basic or advanced calculations. By entering the values you know, you can find the missing variable, making it useful for trip planning and estimating travel duration.

DRT Calculator

This calculator helps determine rate, time, or distance by entering any two of the values to calculate the missing one.

Advanced calculation including breaks and effective travel time.

Basic Calculator:

  1. Enter any two of the following:
    • Rate (km/h): Speed of travel.
    • Time (h): Duration of travel.
    • Distance (km): Total distance covered.
  2. Click Calculate to find the missing value or Reset to clear all fields.

Advanced Calculator:

  1. Enter:
    • Average Speed (km/h) and Total Time (h).
    • Number of Breaks and Duration of Each Break (min).
  2. Click Calculate to get:
    • Total Distance considering effective travel time, excluding break time.
    • Effective Travel Time calculated after removing total break time.

Example Calculations

Example 1 (Basic Calculator):

Step Input Result
Rate 60 km/h  
Time 2 hours  
Distance   60×2=12060 \times 2 = 120 km

With a rate of 60 km/h and a travel time of 2 hours, the total distance is calculated to be 120 km.

Example 2 (Advanced Calculator):

Step Input Result
Average Speed 50 km/h  
Total Time 5 hours  
Number of Breaks 2  
Duration of Each Break 30 minutes  
Effective Travel Time   52×3060=45 – \frac{2 \times 30}{60} = 4 hours
Total Distance   50×4=20050 \times 4 = 200 km

For a trip with an average speed of 50 km/h, a total time of 5 hours, and two 30-minute breaks, the effective travel time is 4 hours, resulting in a total distance of 200 km.


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