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Fold Change Calculator

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Do you want to compare two values to see how much one has changed relative to the other? The following Fold Change Calculator can helps you do just that. Enter the Initial Value and Final Value into the calculator to find the required change.

Fold Change Calculator

Enter the initial value, final value, or fold change. Leave one empty for the calculator to compute it.

Advanced Mode: Enter values to calculate the log2 fold change.

What is Fold Change?

Fold change is an easy way to see how much something has gone up or down compared to before. It shows how many times bigger or smaller the new amount is than the original one. For example, if the new number doubles the old one, the fold change would be 2. And if the new number is half the size of the old one, the fold change would be 0.5. Knowing the fold change tells the whole story simply.

calculate fold change

How to Use Calculator?

1. Basic Calculator:

Enter any two values to find the missing one.

For example, if you know the Initial Value and Final Value, the calculator will give you the Fold Change.
Example: If the initial value is 10 and the final value is 30, the fold change will be 3.

2. Advanced Calculator:

Enter the Initial Value and Final Value to calculate the Log2 Fold Change.

Example: If the initial value is 5 and the final value is 40, the calculator will determine the Log2 Fold Change for you.


The formula for calculating Fold Change is simple:

Fold Change (FC)=Final ValueInitial Value
Variable Description
Initial Value The starting value
Final Value The ending value
Fold Change The ratio of final to initial value

How To calculate Fold Change

Example 1:

Let’s say the initial value is 20, and the final value is 60.

Plug in the values:


The Fold Change is 3, meaning the final value is 3 times the initial value.

Example 2:

Consider an initial value of 50 and a final value of 25.

Plug in the values:


The Fold Change is 0.5, meaning the final value is half the initial value.

Input Guide

  1. Initial Value: Enter the starting value of your measurement.
  2. Final Value: Enter the ending value after a change has occurred.
  3. Fold Change: The calculator will compute this automatically if you provide the other two values.


How do I calculate fold change in R?

To calculate fold change in R, you can use the formula fold_change = new_value / old_value or apply log transformation with log2FoldChange = log2(new_value / old_value).

What does a fold change greater than 1 mean?

A fold change greater than 1 indicates an increase. For example, a fold change of 2 means the new value is twice the original value.

How do you calculate fold change in qPCR?

In qPCR, fold change is calculated using the ΔΔCt method, which compares the target gene expression to a reference gene, and then calculates the fold difference between conditions.

What does a fold change of 4 mean?

A fold change of 4 means that the new value is four times larger than the original value. It signifies a significant increase.

How do you handle fold change with zero values?

Handling zero values in fold change calculations typically involves adding a small constant to avoid division by zero, or using log2 transformations for better comparison.


Final Words

I hope you found our Fold Change Calculator is a quick and easy way to understand how much a value has changed. Please let us know if you are facing any error using our tool.


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