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Hand Drying Footprint Calculator

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Have you ever considered the environmental impact of drying your hands? How you can know, Use our Hand Drying Footprint Calculator to find out. Enter your hand-drying habits into the calculator to see your carbon footprint.

What is Hand Drying Footprint?

The Hand Drying Footprint measures the carbon emissions produced by different hand-drying methods. This includes the use of paper towels, warm air dryers, and jet air dryers.

Hand Drying Footprint Calculator

Select the drying method and enter the values to calculate the carbon footprint

Drying Method: Choose the method of hand drying used for the calculation.

Sheets per Use: Enter the number of paper towel sheets used each time you dry your hands.

Uses per Day: Enter the number of times hand drying is used in a single day.

Days per Year: Enter the number of days per year when hand drying is used.

Carbon Intensity of Electricity (kg CO2e/kWh): Enter the CO2 emissions per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity consumed.

Carbon Intensity of Paper Towels (kg CO2e/sheet): Enter the CO2 emissions per sheet of paper towel used.

Hand Drying Footprint Calculator tool

How to Use the Calculator

To use the calculator, input the following details:

  1. Drying Method: Choose between paper towels, warm air dryer, or jet air dryer.
  2. Sheets per Use: Enter the number of paper towel sheets used each time you dry your hands. For example, 2.
  3. Energy per Use (kWh): Enter the energy consumed per use by the dryer. For example, 0.02.
  4. Uses per Day: Enter how many times you dry your hands per day. For example, 50.
  5. Days per Year: Enter the number of days you use hand drying in a year. For example, 365.
  6. Carbon Intensity of Electricity (kg CO2e/kWh): Enter the carbon intensity of electricity. For example, 0.5.
  7. Carbon Intensity of Paper Towels (kg CO2e/sheet): Enter the carbon footprint per sheet of paper towel. For example, 0.02.


The calculator uses the following formulas:

1.  For Paper Towels:

Total Emissions=Uses per Day×Days per Year×Sheets per Use×Carbon Intensity of Paper Towels
2. For Air Dryers:
Total Emissions=Uses per Day×Days per Year×Energy per Use×Carbon Intensity of Electricity


Variable Description
Drying Method Method used for drying hands (paper towels or air dryers)
Sheets per Use Number of paper towel sheets used per drying
Energy per Use (kWh) Energy consumed per use by the dryer
Uses per Day Number of hand drying uses per day
Days per Year Number of days hand drying is used in a year
Carbon Intensity of Electricity (kg CO2e/kWh) CO2 emissions per kWh of electricity used
Carbon Intensity of Paper Towels (kg CO2e/sheet) CO2 emissions per sheet of paper towel used

Calculation Examples

Example 1: Paper Towels

  • Drying Method: Paper Towels
  • Sheets per Use3
  • Uses per Day40
  • Days per Year300
  • Carbon Intensity of Paper Towels (kg CO2e/sheet)0.02

Calculation Steps:

Total Emissions:

40×300×3×0.02=720 kg CO2e

Example 2: Jet Air Dryer

  • Drying Method: Jet Air Dryer
  • Energy per Use (kWh)0.01
  • Uses per Day60
  • Days per Year365
  • Carbon Intensity of Electricity (kg CO2e/kWh)0.5

Calculation Step:

Total Emissions:

60×365×0.01×0.5=109.5 kg CO2e

I hope you Found the Hand Drying Footprint Calculator useful and helpful for your project. How was your experience using the tool? If you encountered any issues, please report them on our Report an Error page.


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