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Molar Enthalpy Calculator

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How much energy is involved in chemical processes? Calculate it by using the Molar Enthalpy Calculator. Enter specific values like the total enthalpy or the number of moles into the calculator to determine the molar enthalpy.

Molar Enthalpy Calculator

Basic Calculator

What is Molar Enthalpy?

Molar Enthalpy is the amount of energy change per mole of substance during a chemical reaction. It’s a key concept in thermodynamics and help you to understand energy changes in reactions.

Molar Enthalpy Calculation tool

How to Use the Calc ?

1. Total Change in Enthalpy (J): Input the total change in enthalpy.

  • Example: 1000 J

2. Total Number of Moles: Enter the total number of moles involved in the process.

  • Example: 2 moles

3. Molar Enthalpy (J/mol): Provide the molar enthalpy.

  • Example: 500 J/mol

Example Usage

  • Total Change in Enthalpy: 1000 J
  • Total Number of Moles: 2 moles
  • Molar Enthalpy: 500 J/mol

When you fill in these values and click “Calculate,” the calculator will compute the missing value.


The formula to calculate Molar Enthalpy



Variable Description
Em Molar Enthalpy (J/mol)
ΔH Total Change in Enthalpy (J)
n Total Number of Moles

How To calculate Molar Enthalpy

Example 1

For example your input is:

  • Total Change in Enthalpy (): 1000 J
  • Total Number of Moles (): 2 moles


1. Plug the values into the formula: Em=1000 J2 moles

2. Calculate the molar enthalpy: Em=500 J/mol


Example 2

For example your input is:

Given Values:

  • Total Change in Enthalpy (): 2000 J
  • Total Number of Moles (): 4 moles


1. Plug the values into the formula: Em=2000 J4 moles

2. Calculate the molar enthalpy: Em=500 J/mol

Final Words

The Molar Enthalpy Calculator is a valuable tool for anyone dealing with chemical reactions and energy changes. Please let us know if you are facing any kind of issue while using our tool.


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