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NS to HZ Calculator | nanoseconds to hertz

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The NS to HZ Calculator helps you convert between nanoseconds and Hertz, providing the option to calculate either time period or frequency. This calculator also has an advanced mode for conversions between megahertz (MHz) and microseconds.

NS to HZ Calculator

Enter any 1 value to calculate the other

Enter the time period in nanoseconds to calculate the frequency.

Enter the frequency in Hertz to calculate the time period in nanoseconds.

Input Field Guide

Each input field has a specific function in the calculator, and understanding their purpose will ensure accurate calculations. Below is a detailed guide to each field.

Input Field Description Example
NS (Nanoseconds) Enter the time period in nanoseconds to convert it to frequency in Hertz (HZ). 500
Hertz (HZ) Input the frequency in Hertz to find the time period in nanoseconds. 2,000,000
Frequency (MHz) Enter the frequency in megahertz to calculate the period in microseconds. 10
Period (Microseconds) Displays the calculated period in microseconds based on the MHz input. Result only

How To Calculate

Here are examples that outline the steps for calculating conversions between NS to HZ and MHz to Microseconds.

Example 1: Calculating HZ from NS

Step Calculation Result
NS (Nanoseconds) 500 500
Formula Frequency (Hz)=1NS (s)\text{Frequency (Hz)} = \frac{1}{\text{NS (s)}}
Calculation 1500×109\frac{1}{500 \times 10^{-9}} 2,000,000 Hz

Example 2: Calculating Microseconds from MHz

Step Calculation Result
Frequency (MHz) 10 10
Formula Period (μs)=1Frequency (MHz)×106\text{Period (μs)} = \frac{1}{\text{Frequency (MHz)}} \times 10^6
Calculation 110×106\frac{1}{10} \times 10^6 100 μs

To use the calculator, enter the known values and leave the desired field blank to calculate. Press Calculate for results or Reset to clear all fields for a new calculation.


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