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PSI to GPM Calculator

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How to convert PSI to GPM? Use our desined Calculator can help you with that. Just enter specific values, you can easily find the flow rate.

What is PSI to GPM?

PSI checks squeezy pushes. GPM checks how fast water goes. Figuring GPM from PSI means seeing squeeze number and tube details. PSI shows squeezes. Tube traits impact flow rate at each PSI. Together they let you know how much water moves in the tubes under any pushy force.

PSI ↔ GPM Calculator

PSI and GPM converter calculator

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Enter Pressure (PSI or Bar): Input the pressure value. For example, enter 100 PSI.
  2. Enter Cv Value: Input the flow coefficient. For instance, enter 10.
  3. Enter Specific Gravity (SG): Input the specific gravity of the fluid. For example, enter 1.
  4. Select Unit System: Choose between Imperial (PSI, GPM) or Metric (Bar, L/min).
  5. Click Calculate: The calculator will show the flow rate.


The formula to calculate GPM from PSI is:

Variable Description
GPM Gallons per Minute
Cv Flow Coefficient
PSI Pressure in Pounds per Square Inch
SG Specific Gravity

Calculation Examples

Example 1

  • Pressure (PSI): 100
  • Cv Value: 10
  • Specific Gravity (SG): 1


1. Divide Pressure by SG:


2. Calculate the Square Root:


3. Multiply by Cv:


Result: 100 GPM

Example 2

  • Pressure (PSI): 150
  • Cv Value: 15
  • Specific Gravity (SG): 1.2


1.  Divide Pressure by SG:


2. Calculate the Square Root:


3. Multiply by Cv:


Result: 167.7 GPM


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