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Relative Velocity Calculator

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The Relative Velocity Calculator helps determine the relative speed between two objects when the velocities of each relative to a third object are known.

Enter any two values, the calculator provides the missing relative velocity, useful in physics and motion calculations.

Relative Velocity Calculator

How to Use

  1. Enter any two values from the following:
    • Vab: The relative velocity of object A with respect to object B.
    • Vbc: The relative velocity of object B with respect to object C.
    • Vac: The relative velocity of object A with respect to object C.
  2. Calculate: Click the “Calculate” button to solve for the missing value.
  3. Reset: Click “Reset” to clear all fields and start a new calculation.

Example Calculations

Example 1:

Step Value
Vbc 15 m/s
Vac 25 m/s
Calculate Vab Vac – Vbc
Result (Vab) 10 m/s

In this example, with Vbc at 15 m/s and Vac at 25 m/s, Vab (velocity of A relative to B) calculates to 10 m/s.

Example 2:

Step Value
Vab 8 m/s
Vbc 12 m/s
Calculate Vac Vab + Vbc
Result (Vac) 20 m/s

Here, with Vab at 8 m/s and Vbc at 12 m/s, Vac (velocity of A relative to C) results in 20 m/s.


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